Saturday, March 30, 2013

How To Maintain Lavender/Pastel Hair

Okay so I'm going to be honest, pastel hair really doesn't last through that many washes so in order to keep your hair looking fresh, here is a method that I learned! If you are somewhat responsible with your hair, you probably only wash it once a week, I personally can only last 3 or 4 days. The longer you go between washes, the better. What I do is create a bulk amount of conditioner with the purple pigment in it, just like I do when doing the initial coloring.

                                                Here is what you will need:
                                                            -Bottle of white conditioner
                                                            -Hair dye
                                                            -Mixing bowl
                                                            -Something to mix with

1. Start out with your bottle of white conditioner. I used this 32oz bottle that I purchased for $3.

2. Make sure you can open it and there is a hole big enough for your funnel.

3. Empty the entire bottle of conditioner into a mixing bowl.

4. Scoop out a small amount of hair dye.

5. Add the dye to the conditioner.

6. Mix thoroughly.

7. You may add more dye until you reach your desired color.

8. Place your funnel into the empty bottle.

9. Pour all of your conditioner mix back into the bottle using your funnel.

10. Put the top back on and there you have it! 

Now, once you have this, you can apply it to your hair just as you would regular conditioner anytime you shower. Leave it on for about 5-10 minutes and rinse with cool water and that's it!


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